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The Fitness Joint


The hip thrust and glute bridge are both effective exercises when it comes to working the glutes. The glute bridge is more commonly used as a bodyweight exercise for glute activation, while the hip thrust is more commonly used as a glute strengthening exercise with a loaded barbell across the hips.

The main difference between the hip thrust and the glute bridge is the position. A glute bridge is performed on the ground, while the hip thrust is performed with the upper back leaning against a bench and the feet flat on the floor.

Because the shoulders are elevated on a bench, there is greater hip flexion (more bend in the hips) in the hip thrust movement, resulting in a more significant stretch of the glutes due to the increased range of motion. This means that the glutes have to work a little bit harder in a hip thrust than they do during a glute bridge.

Glute Bridge Vs Hip Thrust; Which Is Best?

When the glute bridge vs hip thrust debate comes to a head, there actually isn’t a great deal of difference between them. They work similar muscle groups and both exercises can equally be progressed by adding weight.

With that being said; The hip thrust is considered the more powerful exercise. Namely because this variation uses a wider range of motion. Ideally you would start with glute bridges and move onto hip thrusts.

However, to summarize; which one you adopt ultimately boils down to your own personal preference. Neither will restrict your ability to make ongoing gains, since you can just add more weight as you get stronger.

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