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  /  NEWS   /  What’s The Difference Between Mobility and Flexibility?

What’s The Difference Between Mobility and Flexibility?

Flexibility is the ability of a muscle(s) to lengthen.

Mobility on the other hand is the ability of a joint to move actively through a range of motion.

Flexibility is a passive motion in which you hold a stretch to length the muscle fibers to increase ROM. A person can be flexible but not necessarily have good control and stability. Therefore, flexibility is more of a restorative action. It is best utilized after a workout after completing strenuous strain on your muscles.

Mobility is a more complex concept. It utilizes both flexibility and movement to prepare a joint for a position. Mobility also entails a strength, control, and stability aspect to it. Therefore, mobility is more of a preventative action. It is best utilized before training to prepare your body for more complex strengthening movements (ex. Dynamic warm-up).

Tip: Mobility training is more effective than traditional stretching because it is based on movement and motor control.

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